The Sentry, the impressive new thriller by Robert Crais, is the third in a series featuring the quiet, fearless ex-L.A.P.D. officer and mercenary Joe Pike. The Sentry uses a combination of first-person detective work, shockingly complex plotlines and powerful characters to capture readers right from the start.
The story opens with a nameless man in the heart of New Orleans’ French Quarter following Hurricane Katrina. The man isn’t alone; he is standing over a captive bound in nylon-wrapped cuffs that make any escape impossible. Soon the sound of a gunshot reverberates through the empty and abandoned buildings whose inhabitants were swept away by the storm.
Flash-forward to present-day Southern California, where Pike heroically intervenes in a gang fight and helps two hurricane survivors, Dru Rayne and her uncle, Wilson. By performing this one act of good will, Pike immerses himself in a world of violence and deception, fraught with romantic liaisons and well-hidden secrets. The Sentry’s multiple story lines and diverse points of view are enhanced with blood-tingling, page-turning action.
Robert Crais is the author of more than 15 acclaimed books, including two previous Joe Pike novels. Crais will appear at Mystery One bookstore on Sunday, Jan. 23, at 1 p.m. for a discussion and book signing. Mystery One is located at%u20282109 N. Prospect Ave.