Red flags and warning lights? Nothing stopped Donald Trump from hiring doubtful characters so long as their agendas coincided with his own. One example among many cited by attorney Sara Azari in Unprecedented concerns Michael Flynn, whose intimate ties with Turkey and Russia drew FBI scrutiny even before Trump installed him as national security advisor. Azari has made a living defending the sort of white-collar criminals drawn to the present administration like flies to manure. She knows the character profiles of the men involved.
Although writing about Team Trump amounts to shooting at a moving target, Unprecedented is useful as a handbook of the principal liars and henchmen of the Trump administration and for its summary of the Mueller Report. Although Azari is succinct, her summation is considerably longer than the attorney general’s fabrication. Azari restates Robert Mueller’s conclusions thusly: Putin’s regime systematically interfered in the 2016 election, sowed social unrest through social media and hacked Democratic accounts to damage Hillary Clinton. Mueller was unable to prove that Trump conspired with the Russians, but collusion—falling short of a crime—between his minions and the Kremlin is as conclusive as Trump’s campaign to obstruct justice. Mueller assumed a sitting president can’t be indicted but only impeached. Now what?