So Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks has found a “champion of freedom” in Republican Senate candidate Ron Johnson.
FreedomWorks PAC will support the Johnson campaign by leading numerous Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts, including direct mailings, yard sign distribution, volunteer phone banks and neighborhood literature drops leading up to election day.
Or, as Johnson would say, “there are winners and losers.” And it looks like Johnson has won support from the masterminds of last summer’s carefully orchestrated Town Hall screamfests.
FreedomWorkswhich grew out of the Koch Industries’ Citizens for a Sound Economyis planning on getting heavily involved in the 2010 elections. Its radically conservative agenda if likeminded candidates deliver a majority? Privatized Social Security, school vouchers, opposing health care and energy reform. Sounds like Armey and Johnson are simpatico on these issues.