But, fortunately, thecourts aren’t complying with his agenda.
The latest strikeagainst Walker’sregressive policies is today’s decision by a state circuit courtthat Walker and the state Legislature’s ending of medication abortions wasillegal.
There are two kindsof abortion—surgical and via medication. Both are safe and effective, butmedication abortions are less invasive.
So of course Walkerand state Republicans want to make abortion as difficult as possible for thewomen who choose them. That’s why they ended medication abortions and nowrequire women to get an ultrasound before having a surgical abortion.
Today, a judge agreedwith PlannedParenthood of Wisconsin that the 2012 law banning medication abortions wasunsound. Not only was it vague, but it implied that health care providers thatcontinued to offer medication abortions would be criminally prosecuted.
(Just a reminderhere: abortion is legal. Has been for quite a few decades, you know.)
I have no doubt thatWalker will appeal this ruling. He’s got to pay back the entities that werepart of his criminalscheme—Wisconsin Right to Life and Wisconsin Family Action, both strongopponents of abortion.
But in doing so he’llalienate the many open-minded and sane men and women who understand thatproviding legal medical services in the least invasive way is the best thing todo for those who choose those services.
Here’s what PlannedParenthood has to say about today’sdecision:
Planned Parenthood WinsLawsuit Protecting Access to Safe and Legal Early Abortion Using Medication
MADISON, WI— Earlier today, a state court grantedPlanned Parenthood of Wisconsin’s motion for a declaratory judgment, whichensures Wisconsin women will continue to access safe and legal medicationabortion. On December 12, 2012, Planned Parenthood filed suit against theattorney general and other officials responsible for enforcing Wis. Stat. Sec.253.105. The lawsuit sought relief from the vague and ambiguous provisionswhich threatened criminal prosecution of physicians providing medicationabortion services.
“At Planned Parenthood, we work every day to makesure women receive the high quality health care they need in a safe, respectfulenvironment- including abortion care,” stated Teri Huyck, president and CEO ofPlanned Parenthood of Wisconsin. “Ensuring the health and safety of ourpatients is central to our mission and fundamental to every person who works atPlanned Parenthood.”
Under the terms of the decision, the judge clarifiedthe ambiguity of sec. 253.105. The decision allows Planned Parenthood ofWisconsin to confidently provide safe, non-invasive medication abortionservices to women early in pregnancy withinthe fear of criminal prosecution. This decision ensures women’s ability to maketheir own personal, complex medical decisions. Women seeking abortion will beable to access medication abortion services after meeting the state-requiredexamination and counseling session with a physician and satisfying the mandated24-hour waiting period.
“This is a victory for women and their ability todecide which medical procedure is best for their own health and circumstances,”Huyck continued. “The decision recognizes that medical professionals should betrusted to determine the safest and best medical care for their patients. As aleading provider of women’s health care in Wisconsin for almost 80 years, wewill continue to provide our patients with the safe and legal health careservices they need and deserve.”
Planned Parenthood previously received an injunctionfrom a state court ensuring women’s access to medication abortion at PlannedParenthood. Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin remains in federal court fightingan additional abortion restriction impacting patient safety and threateningwomen’s legal access to safe and legal abortion under Act 37 that passed lastyear. Abortions are very safe and the most highly regulated medical service.According to the Center for Disease Control, abortion has a 99% safety record,and studies show that women have less than a 1% rate of complications. Thereare no medical reasons for these laws.