The latest data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services indicates 147 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, up to a total of 989 cases statewide. This data is accurate as of 9 p.m. on Friday, March 27.
Testing capacity in the state is growing with 2,239 new tests performed in the last 24 hours, which is over 250 more tests than have been previously performed on a single day. A total of 16,221 tests have been performed so far with an average of 6.1 percent coming back positive. 6.6 percent of today's tests came back positive.
As indicated by public health officials, the state's "Safer At Home" order and the associated social distancing practices put in place earlier this week will take time to show up in the data. DHS Secretary-designee Andrea Palm explained that the testing turnaround time and the fact that individuals can be asymptomatic for 14 days before falling ill means there can be a several week lag between actions taken and results.
The state has confirmed a total of 13 deaths due to complications from COVID-19, however more frequently updated data suggests a total of 17 deaths.
One new county had at least one case: Oneida County. There are now 42 of the state's 72 counties reporting at least one laboratory confirmed case.
The county with the highest total cases is Milwaukee with 489 cases, accounting for nearly half of all confirmed cases. Dane County has the second-most with 158 cases. Waukesha has the third highest number of cases with 72.

Map courtesy of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Total Confirmed Cases by Wisconsin County Bayfield 2 Brown 6 Calumet 1 Chippewa 4 Clark 3 Columbia 7 Dane 158 Dodge 6 Douglas 6 Dunn 2 Eau Claire 7 Fond du Lac 20 Grant 1 Green 4 Iowa 3 Iron 1 Jefferson 8 Juneau 2 Kenosha 24 La Crosse 15 Marathon 1 Marinette 1 Milwaukee 489 Monroe 1 Oneida 1 Outagamie 4 Ozaukee 33 Pierce 4 Portage 1 Racine 16 Richland 2 Rock 12 Sauk 11 Sheboygan 8 St. Croix 4 Vilas 2 Walworth 6 Washington 31 Waukesha 72 Waupaca 1 Winnebago 7 Wood 2 Total 989 Total Deaths by Wisconsin County Dane: 1 Fond du Lac: 1 Iron: 1 Milwaukee: 6 Ozaukee: 3 Sauk: 1 Total: 8