Phantom Cicada Productions' staging of The Bible: The Complete Word of God (Abridged) fits into a whole pantheon of different similar sketch comedy shows written by the same group. In just a few months, Racine's Over Our Head Players looks to stage a completely different light sketch comedy show written by the same group.
The Complete History of America (abridged). 600 years of history in 6000 seconds is exactly what it is advertised as. I distinctly remember my high school World History teacher being somewhat amused that we only had one week at the end of the school year to cover everything that happened all over the world in the 20th century. This is that sort of thing played out in a single show . . . only it's everything that ever happened in North America since . . . well since the early 1400's I guess. Sounds like it could be fun.
And it sounds like it might be fun to be a part of. OOHPs is looking to cast the show, which Runs November 20th through December 16th in Racine's Sixth Street Theatre on 318 Sixth Street. Auditions take place at the theatre on October 2nd starting at 7pm. Roles are available for three actors, male or female. Auditions consist of readings from the script.
For more information, call 262-632-6802 and leave a message for the show's director.