If I remembering reading about it correctly, the natives of the polynesian islands had the time to develop a really complex language that involved both spoken words and complex gestures that were not entirely unlike sign language. It was a language somewhere between the visual and the auditory.
Having grown-up with a deaf mother and a deaf father has left Liysa Croll Callsen living in two different worlds linguistically as well. She's gone on to marry a deaf man. She's fluent in both sign language and English. As a result, she's got a really interesting way of expressing herself. She's written a book about her experiences: Tell 'Em.
As a performer, she's got a fun stage presence to match really interesting articulation. So when she has the occasion to speak on the subject of her own life it's a fun opportunity to get a rather unique perspective in the form of a one-woman show. Just such an opportunity crops up this coming October as Callsen performs her one-woman show Tell 'em On Stage. In part of what she's referring to as her "Liysapalooza" tour, she will be speaking at the Best Western Plus Milwaukee Conference Center on 5105 South Howell Avenue. The show takes place on October 19th at 7:30 pm.
For advance ticket reservations, visit Brown Paper Tickets.com.