I’m actually kind of proud of myself for not understanding the joke at first. It’s a stand-up comedy, sketch and variety show produced by women. (Lisan Wood and Liza Marie to be precise.) And it’s called The Ragtime Variety Hour. Took me a while to get the joke. Cute. And classy at the same time while still being vulgar. Unless of course I’m superimposing my own latently childish sense of humor on the title, in which case I’d just like to apologize to everyone involved in the show. But I’m assuming it’s not actually a retro variety show. (Unless I’m wrong.)
Okay. Now that I’m blushing as I write this, I think I’ll mention that the announcement for the show is advertised to feature the “Awesome Comedians” Sammy Arechar, Frankie JM, Stacy Pawlowski and Allison Dunne.
Having said that, I will mention that the show takes place at Milwaukee Comedy on 161 W. Wisconsin Ave. I will mention the date of the show as being Sept. 26. I will provide a link for ticket reservations. And I will back away from the blog slowly. Thank you for you time.