The long-running puppet-based comedy Who Killed Santa? returns this year. The show, which has been found at various stages over the years, will come to inhabit the Uncerground Collaborative in the first few days of 2014.
Opening just after the holidays would seem like kind of a strange move for a holiday show, but as anyone who has seen Neil Haven's show could attest to, it takes place at the North Pole just after everything has settled down at the end of another holiday season. Santa is hosting his year-end party and things get a little messy. There are a few homicides. And then things get weird. And there are puppets. So there's that. The audience are all treated like elves leering in on the proceedings. At the end of it all, they get to decide who really did it . . . and so it's kind of a dark comedy with multiple possible endings, which might have something to do with its longevity. And staging it entirely after the holidays accurately captures the spirit of the show . . . weird, frazzled energy between one year and the next and everyone needs to blow off a little steam.
Who Killed Santa? runs January 2nd - 12th at the Underground collaborative. For ticket reservations, visit Brown Paper