The “Connecting Communities”program is an extension of JMKAC that seeks to create access tothe arts for Sheboyganneighborhoods. When the city planned to renovate General King Park'sexisting shelter, it redesigned the pathways to incorporate stamped images andoral history text into an artistic pattern that uses 60 new sidewalk squares.These pathways lead from the four corners of the park to a central meetingpoint and become a concrete canvas for original artwork.
Wallace collaborated with another Texan, oralhistorian Norma Cant ú, Ph.D., to collect the narratives and manage theconceptual design. Now, all community members are invited to participate inpouring and imprinting the walkways at the “Stamp the Sidewalks” event Sept.8-18.
A grand celebration takes place at the park Saturday,Sept. 19, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Because new sidewalks were necessary to begin with,this collaborative endeavor has created public art for minimal cost. That said,this effort between artists, Sheboygancity planners, the JMKAC and the community will continue into next year, asbudget cuts have prevented the work from being completed all at once. Theproject offers multiple opportunities to share a special story about Sheboygan: Visit JMKAC'sARTcafe or The ARTery, or send a local or personal history by e-mail to get involved.
On the streets and sidewalks of Milwaukee, The League of Milwaukee Artists and Wisconsin Visual Artists host the third annual “Milwaukee PleinAir Painting Competition” from Sept. 10-19. About 100 regional and localartists have applied to participate, and the competitors will fill the Downtownarea. Admirers can watch artists at their easels for an entire week beforeenjoying a silent auction (noon to 8 p.m.) and reception and awards event (5 to9 p.m.) on Friday, Sept. 18, as well as open sales on Sept. 19. Thirty percentof the proceeds will benefit Artists Working in Education Inc. (AWE). AWEinvites families and children to its Truck Studio in Pere Marquette Park on Sept. 12, from 10a.m. to noon, to create their own plein air expressions.