Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor2.0 Informational Session
Veritas High School 3025 W. Oklahoma Ave., City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215
Our unique mentor2.0 program combines technology and mentoring for the 21st Century volunteer! As a mentor, you will work with a Veritas High School student through a planned curriculum, weekly online communication, and a once a month in-person meeting. This technology-enriched, one-to-one mentoring program advances the individual college, career, and personal goals of high school youth.
mentor2.0 volunteers must be at least 21 years old, have a minimum of a two-year college degree, and must be available for monthly Tuesday evening in-person events during the school year from 5:30 to 8:00pm.
This informational session will give you an in-depth look into this mentoring opportunity and a chance to hear first-hand experiences from our current mentors. Light refreshments will be provided. Feel free to bring an interested friend or co-worker along too! We look forward to seeing you there.