Town Hall Public Hearing: "Access to Justice – Judicial Recusal in Wisconsin"
Marquette University Law School (Appellate Courtroom) 1215 West Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
Equal justice for all Wisconsinites is impossible without strong recusal rules for our state's judges and justices.
Please join us! Ask questions. Make your voice heard – and learn:
- Why more effective recusal rules are needed for judges at all levels who receive campaign contributions;
- How justice for all is threatened by lack of effective recusal rules;
- What Wisconsin needs to do to achieve effective recusal rules and what they should be;
- How citizens can help bring about strong recusal rules and equal access to justice.
Speakers: former State Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler, former Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Michael Skwierawski, Marquette Law Professor Ed Fallone, and CC/WI Exec. Director Jay Heck.
Organized by Common Cause in Wisconsin
Event co-sponsors include the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, the League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County, and the American Association of University Women-Wisconsin
Event flyer is here: