Zample Zome Zima!
Miller Brewing Company 4251 W State St, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208
When you drink a Zima, you’re tazting a good time. The golden child of 1994, Zima owned the decade. Then, Zima went away. It bounced. Bummer, Right? Yeah, total Bummer.
But Zima iz back for a limited time, and can be found right here in Miller Valley! Juzt come on in for a tour June 2nd, and afterward your firzt zample will be that CLAZZIC citruz flavor inzide the cool, clear bottle.
Don’t mizz it! Zima won’t be around long, and it will only be available on tour for this one special day.
Drink now or forever hold your chill!
Miller Brewery Tour
4251 W State Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Cost: Free
Start Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018 10:30 a.m.
End Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018 4:30 p.m.
Age Restriction: All agez welcome! Muzt be 21+ with valid picture ID to zample.