“Well then, here we goagain,” says Madame Vastra in scene one, episode one of Doctor Who’s newseason. It’s a time-traveling corker, as the Brits would say, with the Tardisspat out by a dinosaur that materialized in gas-lit Victorian London.
The biggest point ofinterest, of course, is introducing the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Fans ofthe British TV series with encyclopedic memories will recall the actor’s guestappearance in a 2008 episode set in ancient Rome. He is older in appearancethan the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith). Will this change the dynamic with youngsidekick Clara (Jenna Coleman), who carries on in the new season? We shall see.
Capaldi’s debut spinaround the Tardis (the interior has been redecorated) is just out on Blu-ray orDVD as “Doctor Who: Deep Breath.” The release contains bonus material, includingmaking of footage and short bits with key participants. Capaldi assures us thatplaying the Doctor is a childhood dream come true, and we believe him.