Courtney Love wants everybody to know that she's as ticked off as anybody over the seemingly tasteless usage of Kurt Cobain in the latest Guitar Hero game, and she's taken to her Twitter account to insist she never granted permission for the appearance. She makes a breathless, sympathetic and convincing case for her innocence, and even threatens a lawsuit.
Lest Love win the PR war, though, Activision, Dave Grolh and Krist Novoselic have just released a joint statement, brutal in its brevity and unambiguity:
Lest Love win the PR war, though, Activision, Dave Grolh and Krist Novoselic have just released a joint statement, brutal in its brevity and unambiguity:
Activision is responding to queries regarding the usage of Kurt Cobain's likeness in Guitar Hero 5 with the following statement "Guitar Hero secured the necessary licensing rights from the Cobain estate in a written agreement signed by Courtney Love to use Kurt Cobain's likeness as a fully playable character in Guitar Hero® 5."Ouch.
Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl, the two surviving members of Nirvana, have no say whatsoever in the usage of Kurt Cobain's likeness.