<p>Now this is a collaboration I\'ve been waiting for. Milwaukee rappers Prophetic and Gerald Walker each rank among the city\'s very best, but they come from very different worlds. With his cool precision, Prophetic is a graduate of the Jay-Z school of understated bravado, while Gerald Walker traffics in a decidedly more of-the-moment strain of hip-hop, preferring the cloudy and cerebral, sing-song style favored by so many young mixtape rappers. It\'s a treat, then, to hear them share a beat for the first time on the new Prophetic track "Higher."<br /></p> <p> <a href=\"http://www.djbooth.net/index/tracks/review/proph-higher/\">DJBooth.net</a> premiered the song yesterday; you can also stream it below. <br /><br /> <iframe scrolling=\"no\" height=\"166\" frameborder=\"no\" width=\"100%\" src=\"http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F52504882&show_artwork=true\"></iframe><br /> </p>