Subverting the typical God-fearing, family-thanking model for “American Idol” contestants, Adam Lambert brought an edgy, glam-rock theatricality to the top-rated televised singing contest, emerging as the breakout star of the show’s eighth season. A racy, homoerotic performance at the American Music Awards affirmed Lambert’s ability to turn heads outside of “Idol,” while his debut album For Your Entertainment has handily outsold the self-titled record from Season Eight’s ostensible winner, Kris Allen. Lambert is joined tonight by his “Idol” peer Allison Irahetathe spunky teen rocker girl from Season Eightand by shredding guitarist Orianthi, who created a buzz in rehearsal footage from the Michael Jackson documentary This Is It.
Adam Lambert w/ Allison Iraheta and Orianthi
Tonight @ The Riverside Theater, 7:30 p.m.