In the second installment of the Haggerty Museum of Art's ambitious “Current Tendencies” series, curator Lynne Shumow displays the art of 10 diverse local artists, some of them established, others just beginning their careers, to offer an overview of current art trends. A few Milwaukee tendencies emerge: art that embraces and reinvents traditional media; art that uses a concept as a tool as surely as a paintbrush, a pencil or a computer mouse; art that acknowledges the Midwestern experience while challenging its provincial limits; and art that probes the nostalgic impulse while reassessing history for the sake of the present and future. Julian Correa's installation fairly engulfs the museum entrance with graffiti lettering and imagery spewing, in effect, from a giant 3D Oldenburgesque paint tube, while vulnerability haunts the disarming installation of comic-book-style drawings by the late Luc Leplae, an ex-physics professor who documented his childhood and life in Nazi-occupied Belgium. <P>
Current Tendencies II: Artists From Milwaukee
Today @ Haggerty Museum of Art