In the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre's comedy Heroes, three seasoned actors play World War I veterans in their final years, decades after life on the front lines. Richard Halverson, Daniel Mooney and Robert Spencer, under the direction of Milwaukee Chamber Theatre Producing Artistic Director C. Michael Wright, render distinct characters that sparkle with charma charm that radiates from a particularly witty script by Tom Stoppard. The three leads are well cast: Halverson's gravitas is put to good use in the role of a man who claims an aristocratic background; Spencer's classical charm comes to light in the role of a working-class man whose daily walks inspire the trio to plan an escape from the hospital in which they all reside; while Mooney rounds out the cast as a man suffering from blackouts due to a piece of shrapnel that is lodged in his head.
Tonight @ Broadway Theatre Center, 7:30 p.m.