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Wisconsin State Capitol
The US Senate race in Wisconsin could have an impact not only on the United States but also the entire world. If the Democrats don’t lose any incumbents and pick up two seats in the Senate and hold the House of Representatives, some important changes like passing climate change legislation, expanding voting rights, or protecting a woman’s right to control her own body could become law. The Wisconsin US Senate race is viewed as one of the most competitive in the country. There are eight candidates vying for the Democratic nomination. They are all qualified individuals with different experiences and strengths. This race has gotten a lot of coverage including televised interviews and a nationally televised debate.
Senator Ron Johnson has become national news for all the wrong reasons. He was video recorded where he admitted that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election but continues to lie to his constituents that Trump won. His fealty to Trump is embarrassing. He tried to pass an illegal, false electoral college delegation of electors to Vice President Pence to try to help Trump steal the 2020 election.
Johnson has been on the other side of a majority of his constituents when he would not help to bring 1,000 high paying manufacturing jobs to Wisconsin saying we have enough jobs. He voted to increase the deficit by supporting the over one trillion dollars in tax cuts with the vast majority of the benefits going to the top one percent. He supports denying a woman’s right to an abortion, does not support reasonable climate change legislation, supports every extreme piece of gun legislation, and supports voter suppression laws to name just a few.
So rationally, this should not be a competitive US Senate race in November, but it will be. Johnson will have virtually unlimited money especially from the billionaires who have saved hundreds of millions of dollars so far from Johnson’s tax amendment benefiting pass-through corporations that personally benefitted Johnson’s favorite campaign checking writing Wisconsin billionaires. We need to win this election in November.
The Shepherd Editorial Group has enthusiastically endorsed these individuals:
Governor: Tony Evers
U.S. Senate: Mandela Barnes
Lieutenant Governor: Dual Endorsement: Peng Her or Sara Rodriguez
Secretary of State: Doug La Follette
State Treasurer: Gillian Battino
Sheriff: No Endorsement
Clerk of Circuit Court: George Christenson