The idea of an election on April Fool's Day is absurd. Sneak up on a co-worker and say, "I voted for Gableman." Just before the stunned colleague can respond, you holler, "Wisconsin Fools!"
Then you go to your next cubicle and announce a "new deal between The Capital Times and WSJ--The Cap Times will write the editorials six days per week--WSJ gets Tuesday."
Next you shout in the middle of the office, "The surge has worked, the troops are coming home!"
Then you announce that "if Doyle does not run; if Lawton does not run; and Risser and Spencer Black retire, and your astrologer gives you the green light, you will run for an office TBA."
OK, back to reality. Here is the start of the Shepherd Express editorial and this is no April or Wisconsin Fool's Day.
It's imperative that voters return Justice Louis Butler to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Not only does Butler have the intelligence, integrity and experience that the state's highest court requires, b his opponent...and his allies have run one of the most ethically challenged judicial campaigns in Wisconsin's history."
Call and remind your friends to vote today. This is it folks. Will WMC control our Supreme Court?