We Grow Greens, a nonprofit founded in 2013 by Charlie Uihlein, offers an alternative format through which teens can experience success. The nonprofit’s foundational program, Teens Grow Greens, is a nine-month, paid gardening internship for teenagers 14-17 years old on the Northwest Side of Milwaukee that develops personal responsibility, healthy living and entrepreneurship skills through hands-on education. From this program, 90% of both the 2014 and 2015 graduates have secured employment for the summer of 2016 at local businesses and organizations, including the Hunger Task Force, George Webb, Walgreens, Pathfinders, Route 21, MPS Welding Apprenticeship, Milwaukee Parks and Recreation, That Salsa Lady and Metro Market.
In addition to this successful program, We Grow Greens recently launched a similar program for third, fourth and fifth graders called Kids Grow Greens. Kids Grow Greens is a 10-week mentorship program in which the Teens Grow Greens youth teach Benjamin Franklin Elementary School students and neighborhood youth how to grow food, character and community. Through this, the teens learn leadership and communication skills and the kids receive positive guidance and skill-focused lessons from a teenage mentor. The program made its debut this past Saturday, when the kids harvested and sold vegetables, taking home the money they earned.
The organization has also announced a Kids Grow Community Day on Saturday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Epistles of Christ Church of God in Christ, 2407 W. Nash St. For this, the teens and kids will work together to plan and lead a day of positive, healthy activities for the entire neighborhood.
We Grow Greens is seeking volunteer help with both of its programs as well as at farmers markets. For more information, email Uihlein at cuihlein@wegrowgreens.org or visit http://teensgrowgreens.org.