Whilethere's still much more work to be done, on Saturday 60 senatorsall Democratsplus two independentscast historic votes to prohibit a filibuster on healthcare reform by self-serving Republicans.
Whilemost news coverage focuses on the intense politics of the health care reformdebate, little light has been shed on the contents of the House and Senatebills. Both would expand health insurance coverage to more than 31 millionAmericans while reducing the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars overthe next decade. Both bills contain a public option. Both expand Medicaidcoverage to low-income non-elderly people and both would provide subsidies topeople with low incomes so they can purchase health insurance. And both wouldprohibit insurance companies from denying policyholders the health carecoverage that they purchased in good faith. That means no more immoral denialsbased on pre-existing conditions.
Thechanges are impressive and more are to come as the Senate debates its finalbill, which it then must reconcile with the House bill. We'd like lawmakers toensure that low-income and middle-class families can afford quality coveragewithout government-funded giveaways to the same profit-driven insurancecompanies that got us into this mess.
Momentumis on the side of reform. We're glad that the Senate did not block debate on anissue that the majority of Americans voted for last November.
Hero of the Week
Beverly Broaden-Ferrin
November is NationalAdoption Month, created to raise awareness about the thousands of children infoster care waiting for placement with their “forever” families. Last week,Wisconsin first lady Jessica Doyle and Department of Children and FamiliesSecretary Reggie Bicha heralded six families with the Governor's OutstandingAdoptive Parent Awards. Among those recognized was Beverly Broaden-Ferrin, asingle parent and foster mother in Milwaukee who adopted two special-needschildren. Broaden-Ferrin cares for additional foster children as well, andfinds the time, despite her 40-hour workweek, to teach parent-training modulesto others. For her above-and-beyond efforts on behalf of children in need, the Shepherd Express makes Broaden-Ferrinour Hero of the Week, and gives thanks to all area foster parents who haveopened their homes to area youth.
Jerk of the Week
County Supervisor Lynne DeBruin
“Jerk” is too strong ofa word to describe Supervisor Lynne DeBruin for her votes on the MilwaukeeCounty Board, but we are extremely disappointed with her for caving in topressure from the Citizens for Responsible Government, an extreme right-winggroup, and voting with County Executive Scott Walker's team on a majority ofthe veto overrides. For example, DeBruin had always supported mental healthissues, yet under pressure from the county executive's team, she voted tosustain Walker's vetoes on the Detox Program Redesign and the Community AODAcontracts. She had also been a strongsupporter of labor issues, yet voted to sustain Walker's privatization efforts,outsourcing jobs in housekeeping services and security. Her district ismoderate, but if these issues were carefully explained to her constituents, a majoritywould certainly support her holding the line against Walker's excesses.