If you are part of the 99%, then you know exactly why you should participate in the global day of protest on Oct. 15.
You're sick of escalating income inequality, huge spikes in corporate CEO pay, and the gutting of the social contract.
Closer to home, you're furious that Gov. Scott Walker has attacked the rights of teachers and other public employees, is handing his political appointees unprecedented powers to slash Medicaid programs and trash health care reform, and has given corporations tax breaks while making historic cuts to public education from kindergarten to post-graduate scholarship.
Even worse, Walker and his allies in the state Legislature have made it more difficult for some voters—namely, those who typically vote Democratic—to cast ballots next year. To add salt to those wounds, they've redistricted the state to ensure a Republican lock on power for the next decade.
So what can you do to fight back?
Occupy Milwaukee.
On Saturday, Oct. 15, protesters will gather at 11 a.m. at Zeidler Park (301 W. Michigan St.) to raise their voices against excessive corporate greed and the politicians who are weakening our rights and institutions. At 12:30 p.m., there will be a protest outside of Chase Bank (111 E. Wisconsin Ave.).
Outraged but peaceful Wisconsin protesters made history earlier this year when they pushed back against Walker's power grabbing.
Milwaukeeans can add to the growing call for more accountability and justice on Saturday.
For more information, go to “Occupy Milwaukee” on Facebook or #OccupyMilwaukee on Twitter.
Heroes of the Week: Neighborhood House of Milwaukee Volunteer Mentors
The Neighborhood House of Milwaukee (2819 W. Richardson Place) aims to build a strong community by strengthening individuals and families. Since 1945, the nonprofit has served nearly 1 million of the city's urban poor through its programs and services.
In addition to senior services, the Neighborhood House of Milwaukee (NHM) offers adult and family programs that provide “opportunities for families to spend quality time together as well as life skills development, including money management, family outings, socialization opportunities and nutrition.” NHM's International Learning Center offers literacy and skills programs for recent immigrants and refugees.
The group's mission also includes efforts to help area youths, including early childhood education, an after-school “Kids' Club” to help with homework and study skills, and a program to provide teens with educational assistance and recreational activities.
NHM relies on the help of volunteers, and is especially in need of adults looking to mentor youth with homework. Readers interested in spending two nights a week helping students are urged to call 414-933-6161 or visit www.nh-milw.org.