If you thought the Republicans would be sensible and slow down their Obamacare repeal or craft a sensible replacement for it right now, there are $2.8 billion reasons why you might be wrong.
Republicans like House Speaker Paul Ryan are rushing to repeal Obamacare because getting rid of it would also get rid of $2.8 billion in taxes on the super wealthy that were used to fund affordable health coverage for 22 million struggling Americans.
That’s right: The top 400 highest-income taxpayers, with an average income of $300 million, would see an immediate windfall of about $7 million apiece in the GOP-sponsored tax break, according to an analysis by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).
Unfortunately, there isn’t a corresponding windfall for average Americans. In fact, the Ryan-pushed Obamacare repeal would raise taxes on roughly 7 million low- and middle-income earners because it would eliminate the premium tax credits that supplement their health insurance coverage. The average benefit that these average Americans would lose is $4,800 this year, the CBPP calculated.
Sadly, the Obamacare repeal’s tax breaks for the wealthy fall in line with Paul Ryan’s typical political positioning. Ryan tries to appear like a humble guy next door looking out for the average person, but unfortunately his political agenda is much the opposite. His two main issues have been cutting taxes for the wealthy, including his family, and giving various advantages and tax breaks to his wealthy campaign contributors while trying to cut back on Medicare and Social Security for the middle class.
If you want to let Ryan know how you feel about his latest windfall for the ultra-wealthy at the expense of Americans who need affordable health insurance, contact him at paulryan.house.gov/contact or call his constituent hotline at 1-888-909-RYAN (1-888-909-7926).