Howdid the story of Erica the Eagle begin?
I originally startedtelling the story of Erica, the eagle who was born into a flock of chickens ona farm, at a graduation ceremony for one of my friend’s businesses. Erica’sdifferences served as a catalyst for her to recognize her strengths and thatspiritual power of excellence that lies within us all. I also used the storyfor motivational purposes, and people kept asking me to retell it. I startedgetting serious about putting the story into publication two years ago. It wasfinally released on Dec. 29, 2009, with a major book signing at the PfisterHotel.
Whydid you choose an eagle as the main character?
The eagle is the symbolof our country and represents fortitude, resilience, strength and tenacity. Afemale eagle gives the story a soft touch. You realize the inner strength ofthe eagle instead of the bird being predatory. And they also symbolize freedomand liberation. Actually Wisconsin and Florida have more eaglesthan any of the other states.
Whatresponse have you had to the book?
Whether children oradults, there is something that awakens on the inside of them, in their heartsand eyes, when they realize they can soar like Erica. Their attitude determinestheir altitude.
Whyis Erica’s story so important to your present work?
I believe that thethread of Erica, through a therapeutic perspective, serves as a commondenominator for not only women, but men, to raise our standards of living to beall that we can be. It comes from our daily decisions. Once you find that it’sin you not to have an identity crisis, but to find your goals in life, dreamsdo come true. One needs the freedom and liberation where you’re born to be allyou can be, the “queen or king of the air.” If you don’t, you perish.
(You can contact Brenda K. Stiffthrough