Per John Perrotto of Baseball Prospectus on ESPN Rumor Central via UeckerPowell ‘s Twitter feed: Scouts who have watching (Jeff) Suppan pitch in Arizona this spring say he is completely cooked and no longer able to get major league hitters out. _ Who knows what to make of this bit of information. Suppan’s been as horrible as we feared all Spring Training long, but this bit of information surprised me. Sure, he’s been giving up Braden Looper – like numbers of homers and the rest of his outs have been long fly balls, but I never imagined he’d just totally lose what little talent he had. In today’s Mug over at BCB, Kyle provided a few quotes from both Suppan and Macha. According to Suppan it was his first chance to use all his pitches and he was “amped-up” and Macha said he had to send Peterson to the mound to remind Suppan to throw off-speed stuff. The Macha quote is pretty disturbing – did Suppan think he was going to use his blazing fast ball to strike out the side? I mean, I never worried about Suppan’s smarts on the mound before that, but now I’m concerned he’s losing his mind as well as his ability. Macha also said the problem was one that’s been gone over before. The Macha quotes came off sounding tired and resigned.