CommUnity Conversation: Sustained Engagement for Racial Justice
Online Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
Sustained Engagement for Racial Justice: Sharing Ideas and Resources for Ongoing "Inquiry and Action for Social Change"
Virtual CommUnity Conversation on Thursday, June 11. from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
We need everyone to engage for the long term, and all who are contemplating their role in and work for positive change and racial justice are welcome.
This event will be hosted via Zoom and broadcast via Facebook Live. We are asking everyone, if they are able, to join us via Facebook Live. Please go to The CommNS Facebook page at the time of the event to watch the Facebook Live broadcast!
The goals of this conversation will be to:
(a) Learn and share resources among friends and affiliates in our CommNS network who are leading efforts or who are simply working on their personal plan for continued engagement.
(b) Collect and organize resources and suggestions for individuals and organizations to use for their continued engagement and work for racial justice.
(c) Consider meaningful ways to keep learning and staying connected to bolster our respective efforts.
We’ll organize this discussion around the following key themes:
I. Learn: (a) updates on efforts in the field; (b) sources for self-education and news
II. Take Care of Ourselves and Others
III. Exert Influence in our Spheres: family, friends, community, networks
IV. Support: organizations and change agents we can bolster
V. Act: what actions should we each take, immediately, and planning for the future?
VI. Sustain: what is needed to stay engaged?