Submit an Event

Submit an Event

Find things to do in the Milwaukee area with our interactive events calendar.

Our event listing platform powered by CitySpark makes finding upcoming events easier and submitting to the platform a breeze. If you have an event you would like to submit, click here to visit the submission form.

With this submission process, we ask that you create an account and log in to save all of the events. You can use the "Log in with Google" or "Log in with Facebook" to expedite the sign up process and you only need to sign in once from your device.

log in City Spark

Once logged in, you will be redirected to the New Event Submission page. Enter the name and location of your event and review similar existing events to see if your event already exists in our system. If it does, you can add information. If it doesn't exist, click the "Not found?" button to create a new event entry.

City Spark new event submission

Once you've entered all of the information you'd like for the event, click the "Next" button. Review the entry and then click "Submit and Finish." If you have any questions, email

Our staff will review your submission for approval in a timely manner (within a few business hours).

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