Don’t Die Wisconsin: "A Night with Bob"
Todd Wehr Conference Center (Milwaukee School of Engineering) 1047 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
One of the most important ways to combat the opioid epidemic is simply by talking about it in order to erase the stigma of addiction. That’s the approach taken by “Don’t Die Wisconsin,” a weekly podcast about the heroin and opioid epidemic. The podcast hosts two events this weekend: A Friday night conversation with Thelonious Monster singer and “Celebrity Rehab” alum Bob Forrest at MSOE’s Todd Wehr Conference Center featuring Aids Resource Center of Wisconsin spokesperson Mat Hazelberg and alderman Michael Murphy. They’ll discuss the city’s effort to combat addiction and the spread of hepatitis C and HIV among Milwaukee drug users. Then on Saturday Club Garibaldi will host a benefit concert for the Aids Resource Center featuring music from Liv Mueller, Bob Forrest and Xposed 4-Heads. The Aids Resource Center will provide Narcan training at the event.