Stoic Philosophy and the Value of Money - A Stoic Week Event
Milwaukee Central Public Library 814 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
Join us for a FREE local event here in the Greater Milwaukee area during International Stoic Week! The topic will be what Stoic philosophy has to teach us about the value we should place on money (property, income, finances, and wealth more generally) if we want to be happy.
Dr. Greg Sadler (That Philosophy Guy on YouTube and a native and resident of MKE) will speak for about 30 minutes on the topic, outlining what the Stoic approach to money is, drawing from ancient Stoic literature and applying those lessons to our modern lives and situations. Then we'll open the floor up for Q&A and open discussion.
Dr. Sadler will also provide some useful handouts and worksheets dealing with these matters to participants.
Sponsors include the Milwaukee Stoic Fellowship and the Milwaukee chapter of SOPHIA (the Society of Philosophers in America).
While no experience or background knowledge is necessary - and all are welcome - if you'd like to hear a bit about Stoicism and money, you can listen to this episode of the Money Savage podcast, where Dr. Sadler was featured as a guest -