An enrolled member of the Menominee Nation, Thomas Pecore Weso grew up on the reservation and recalls his childhood and teenage years through memories of food. Weso had a most unusual food history—Jello-O with canned fruit one day, squirrel stew the next. His grandmother cooked according to Native traditions; his mother, “a nontraditional college student during my teens,” resorted to instant meals. His grandfather was town constable and days spent with him brought Weso to the meatloaf, sausage and sauerkraut of German and Polish neighbors. Uncle Buddy’s flash car brings buckwheat pancakes to Weso’s mind, and he lived for a time near Cheese Box Curve—so called after a truck hauling dairy products overturned. Weso includes a few recipes, but mostly, Survival Food is an entertaining look back at life in Wisconsin’s rural north.
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