As July 2013 finds its way offstage, there are a few things that are lurking around the edges of established theatre that are making it to local stages. Potentially a quite interesting bit of performance art is Nicholas Grider's Burden--which is a performance art piece listed as taking place at UWM on Saturday, July 27th from 1 to 4pm at UWM's Inova (Institute of Visual Arts.) So it's kind of a matinee thing, I guess.
Grider has been exploring the nature of masculinity in a series of different bits known as The Masculinity Project. For more information about this, you can check out the kickstarter page for the project, which is now fully funded.
This next performance piece is evidently a tribute to Chris Burden--a performance artist who did some controversial work in the 1970s. Burden was evidently a very thoughtful precursor to the types of less-than-clever work by people like David Blaine and . . . well . . . some if this stuff reminds me of the Jackass series as well. . . One of his pieces involved him getting shot in the arm with a rifle. Another involved him getting crucified on a Volkswagen and rolled out of a garage.
There's no specific information on exactly what Grider is going to do, but it should be interesting nonetheless.
For more information about UMW's Peck School of the Arts, check it out online.