Here's a story that I haven't had a chance to mention hither to now. As of November 1st, Theatre Gigante will have its own studio to perform out of. Over the years, Gigante has performed in a number of different spaces including the late Off Broadway Theatre and UWM's Kenilworth Studio 508. Now things to The Pitch Project, Gigante is joining several other artists in a studio space on 5th and National in Walker's Point. And so it is that Gigante moves-in right across the street from Milwaukee Ballet Company. With Theatre Unchained also in the neighborhood, it's beginning to become a more and more developed area for local artists. Nice to see that place developing and congratulations to Theatre Gigante, which will be performing it's next show: Little Business t the Big Top at Kenilworth 508 November 14th - 16th.
David Gaines, who performed a one-man Kurosawa movie in 7 (x1) Samurai for Gigante some time ago will return to perform an entire one-man circus. The show also features Malcolm Tulip's the Scottish . . . Play as performed by Gigante's Isabelle Kralj and Mark Anderson. Tulip Kralj and Adnerson collaborating on a piece with a title like that should be a great deal of fun.