Apollo's Fire: "Sugarloaf Mountain"
Helene Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts (UW-Milwaukee) 2419 E. Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211
Event time: 5:00pm
Early Music Now presents Apollo's Fire. Eight musicians from this award-winning ensemble’s collection of creative artists bring voices, hammered dulcimer, harpsichord, fiddle, wooden flutes, lute, guitar, banjo, and cello to recreate “An Appalachian Gathering” – music with roots in the British Isles that long ago mingled with Southern hymns and African spirituals in the hills of Virginia.
Tickets and info at http://earlymusicnow.org/this-season/apollosfire/
Price: $29-$59 for adults and seniors $10-$20 for students