Mark Up Marquette
Marquette University Central Mall 1355 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223
This will be a peaceful demonstration on Marquette's campus, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, to contribute to the chalking events going on in the greater Milwaukee area this week, and to provide a family-friendly channel for participation for those who, whether due to social distancing or disability or various personal reasons, have been unable to join the protests all over the city this past week. At the end of this event, participants are encouraged to continue on to march with the larger community of Milwaukee protestors.
Marquette University's Jesuit values emphasize cura personalis, care for the whole person, with the goal of establishing a student body of women and men for and with others. This event is intended to demonstrate our alignment with those values. This is furthermore a call to action those in the Marquette community--students, parents, faculty, alumni--who are still blinded by racism and have failed to use their privilege and/or platform to uphold the Jesuit values of the institution they represent. If one of us is chained, none of us are free.
The goal is to fill the land surrounding our university with chalk drawings and messages honoring the countless black lives lost to police brutality and condemning systemic racism as it exists on a fundamental level in all American institutions. The University is willing to work with us on this, so I ask that you do not use any profanity.
I will provide as much chalk, extra face masks, and other supplies as I am financially capable of, but I encourage you to bring your own chalk if you can. For the students off campus who have asked how you can participate, you can venmo me @juliamxneil and I'll put it toward the supplies. Excess, if any, will be donated to appropriate bail funds and organizations. Also feel free to reach out if you want to help in other ways or take more of a leadership role in this, my white voice should not be the loudest.
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