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Easter butter lamb
An Easter butter lamb
Chocolate bunnies and Peeps are synonymous with Easter, but the traditional butter lamb is just as significant in many households, taking a prominent place at the Easter table. This adorable little ovine butter sculpture has been found on myriad Easter tables throughout Milwaukee and other Midwest communities with high Polish populations.
In Buffalo, N.Y., which also has a strong Polish population, the butter lamb has helped shine a national spotlight to the city for the iconic Malczewski Butter Lambs, sold at a Buffalo grocer called Broadway Market.
As Catholic immigrants made their way to America from Eastern Europe, they brought with them the centuries-old Easter tradition of baranek wielkanocny, or “Easter lamb.” The lamb, which represents Jesus and symbolizes spring and new life, is often adorned with a red ribbon of Resurrection.
In Poland, it was common to give up dairy for Lent. Churning cream into butter was a clever way to use up leftover cream. Today, many Polish-Catholics consider the butter lamb a must for the Holy Saturday food blessing, in which they take Easter baskets filled with symbolic items to church to be blessed during a brief afternoon service. (Non-edible lamb figures made from plaster, resin or plastic are also sometimes used.)
The butter lamb is rooted in religious customs, but it’s also enjoyed by secular families that welcome spring during the Easter holiday. While the butter lamb might not enjoy the popularity of the chocolate bunny, it still has a prominent place in the hearts of many Milwaukeeans and can be found at several area retailers (call ahead to confirm pricing and availability):
Wioletta’s Polish Market (3955 S. Howell Ave.) had butter lambs in stock as of March 5. National Bakery & Deli (3200 S. 16th St., 13820 W. Greenfield Ave., 5637 Broad St., Greendale) will stock them at all three locations beginning the week of March 11. Rupena’s Fine Foods (7641 W. Beloit Rd.) expects their shipment of butter lambs to arrive the week of March 11. M&P Polish Deli (1215 W. Lincoln Ave.) will add butter lambs to their Easter basket offerings the week of March 11.
For do-it-yourselfers that know how to make butter, traditional Easter butter lamb molds are available through the Polish Art Center, Monastery Greetings, Etsy and Amazon