How are you killing time during this safer-at-home period? Some people are learning a new language, and some people are cleaning out closets. Some are living their healthiest lives while others have adopted a couch-potato lifestyle. From writing books, painting landscapes and baking bread to home schooling, dog training and decluttering, Milwaukeeans are doing their best to get by, get happy and keep calm.
Whatever works for you during this crazy time is what works for you, and there’s nothing wrong with it! Whether you’re feeding a Netflix addiction, driving your family crazy with crafts or brushing up on ukulele jams, it’s a good thing. From knitting your grandkid a sweater to consuming copious amounts of PornHub, if your quarantine pastime is helping you cope, take pride in it.
A friend of mine (Vivica Galactica from Season 2 of “Camp Wannakiki”) once told me that comparison is the killer for joy. And she’s right! The moment you compare yourself to someone else, you instantly suck the joy out of the overall experience. The moment you begin to judge yourself (appearance, career, marriage, etc.) in relation to others, you deflate the beauty of the moment at hand. And quarantine is no exception.
Using this time to taste test every flavor of Ben & Jerry’s? Great! Your next-door neighbor using this time to launch a charity that feeds starving orphans...who also have extra limbs and missing eyeballs? That’s great, too. You be the best damn Ben- &-Jerry’s eater on the planet, focus on you and getting through this mess. (And maybe donate some cash to your neighbor for an eyeball or two.)
Don’t feel bad, feel guilty or feel like you’re not living up to some bogus expectations of what people “should be doing” during the pandemic. That’s bullshit, and you’re not a bullshit believer, are you? Didn’t think so.
Dear Ruthie,
Got any tips for those of us working from home? This is new to me, and I could use some ideas to make things a bit easier.
Thanks Red,
WFH Woman,
Dear WFH Chick,
I’m willing to bet you got this more than you think you don’t got this. That said, here are some ideas to make working from home more comfortable, effective and fun.
Dear Ruthie’s Top 10 Work-from-Home Tips
10. Get your ass outta bed, shower, dress and get ready for the day, every day.
9. Start work when you normally would; quit work when you normally would.
8. Get up and move. Take a break and walk around a bit. Unload the dishwasher or toss in a load of laundry.
7. Snacks!
6. Make a to-do list and update it every morning.
5. Take real lunch breaks.
4. Reach out to co-workers regularly, even if simply checking in or saying “hi.”
3. Take the time to keep your work area organized.
2. Don’t skip out on meetings. The contact is as important as the communication.
1. Snacks! (It bears repeating.)
I hope this list helps, but there’s one more thing to remember when working from home: check in on yourself. Even though you’re at home and even though there aren’t many options for fun these days, you may still need to take day off or even a vacation to keep your mental health in check. Be honest with yourself and realize when you need a break to refocus and reenergize. If working from home is taking a serious mental toll, contact your doctor and seek some professional help.
Ask Ruthie a question at Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Don’t miss her new game show, “Dear Ruthie’s Bar Wars” on, and check out her hilarious drag reality competition “Camp Wannakiki,” on YouTube.