What’s going on in Brew City? Seems boys (and girls) can’t keep it in their pants lately. Let’s read a few messages and see what’s up with the horny little devils of Milwaukee.
Dear Ruthie,
Is it cheating if your boyfriend is Facetiming other guys and getting off with them? He says no; I say yes. Needless to say, it’s causing problems.
I’m Right, Right?
Dear Mr. Right,
You know who defines cheating in a relationship? You do! If it feels like cheating to you, it is. If your lover disagrees, then find a fellow who is more in line with your beliefs and values. (I’d tell him the same thing.) Once you find someone who defines cheating the same as you, cheating no longer becomes as much a problem because you and your partner are on the same page with what’s wrong and what’s right. In your case, the playing field isn’t level as you see things differently. If your guy isn’t going to stop doing something that’s hurting you, then it may be time to move on.
Dear Ruthie,
My wife and I have been married for two years, but we dated for four years before that. Shortly after we got married, she cheated on me with another woman. At times, I feel like I’m over the affair, but other times I’m still hurt and upset. How can I get over her infidelity?
Sorrowful Sue
Dear Sue,
You can’t get over it, honey. Clearly. This isn’t necessarily your fault, so I’d suggest the two of you go to therapy (even if you’ve done it already). The therapist can then steer you in the right direction, because if you can’t forgive her, you’re going to have a hard time laying the strong, successful groundwork needed to build a life in the future.
Ruthie’s Social Calendar
April 3— Writing Letters to Incarcerated Queer People at Milwaukee Enterprise Center (2821 N. Fourth St.): The team at Black and Pink Milwaukee host this 7 p.m. letter-writing event, encouraging the support and solidarity of incarcerated LGBTQ people. Enjoy an 8 p.m. radio broadcast from EXPO (Ex-Incarcerated People Organizing), followed by a 9 p.m. discussion. Enjoy light refreshments and door prizes as well.
April 4—Sheepshead Night at Woody’s (1579 S. Second St.): All the queens have the power during this 6 p.m. night of cards. Enjoy single, doubles and group sheepshead games for all skill levels. In addition, you’ll find two-for-one drink specials during the evening. What a great way to meet new people and breakup the workweek a bit, and it’s a fine way to visit our LGBTQ sports bar when there’s not necessary a big game on the monitors.
April 4—Vers Party: YeeHaws & White Claws at This Is It! (418 E. Wells St.): Sylvia Nyx hosts this weekly bash, this time with a country twist. Long Islands are the special of the night in addition to a high-steppin’ drag show and more. The fun kicks off at 9 p.m.
April 4—Dora Diamond’s Royal Revue at The High Note (645 N. Jams Lovell St.): Night owls, unite! Now, there’s a free late-night weeknight cabaret that’ll grease your gears for the weekend. Songstress Dora Diamond hosts this 11 p.m. evening of song, dance, drag, karaoke and more.
April 5—“The Music of Queen with the MSO” at the Riverside Theater (116 W. Wisconsin Ave.): The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra rocks out to music from one of the most popular bands of all time. Singer Brody Dolyniuk rounds the sound, power and passion of the 8 p.m. concert. Swing by pabsttheater.org for tickets ($39.50 to $64.50).
April 6—One Heartland Fundraiser at LVL Events (801 S. Second St.): This annual charity event—14 years in a row—is upon us once again. Raising money to help send kids affected by HIV to summer camp, the popular night begins at 4 p.m. with a jaw-dropping silent auction. The granddaddy of all drag shows starts at 6:30 p.m., featuring a bevy of local beauties... including me! Join me, Karen Valentine, Goldie Adams, Shawna Love and others for the fun!
April 7—Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) at Unitarian Universalist Church West (13001 W. North Ave.): Spread a little more love and a lot less hate when you attend this family friendly afternoon. The 1-2 p.m. story hour features local diva Tempest Heat and national singer/songwriter Darthe Jennings. The event is free and open to all. Light refreshments are provided while supplies last.
Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at dearruthie@shepex.com. Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Don’t miss season one of her drag reality show on YouTube, “Camp Wannakiki!”