Studio owner/producer Danny Zelonky heard singer Gervis Myles singing across a club and knew he had found the voice for the debut release of his Milwaukee record label, S’plat Records. The 7-inch 45 rpm record might seem like a throwback to the golden days of labels like Specialty or King Records, yet Zelonky’s goal was to release music that is not derivative but could have genuinely been a good song from a bygone era.
“Element of Love” builds from the momentum generated by piano triplets and saxophone riffs. As Myles emotionally pleads his case, elevating and releasing tension back to the piano and sax until Myles’ voice steals the spotlight again. The flipside, “I’m Thirsty,” could very well be another chapter for the same character. Only this time she’s gone for good and he is drowning his sorrows. Recorded in glorious mono, both tunes reveal the sounds of musicians playing as one.