Unimaginable horror explodes at a suburban elementary school in the recently released novel Save Me. Concerned, slightly overbearing mother Rose volunteers as a lunch monitor at the school, mostly to watch over her bullied daughter. Never did this retired-model-turned-mom expect to find herself in the midst of a fiery cafeteria blaze, forced to choose between saving her daughter's young enemies or chasing after her own offspring, who she last saw sneaking off to the bathroom to avoid her jeering peers.
In Lisa Scottoline's latest thriller, Rose's concern for her daughter's safety is swiftly overshadowed by another chaotic consequence of the fireone of the kids who bullied her daughter, thought to have been rescued by Rose, somehow returned to the school and suffered terrible injuries. Not unexpectedly, the blame falls squarely on Rose's shoulders. The local media quickly transform her from a courageous young celebrity to an irresponsible citizen. In order to move on, this fearless female must take it upon herself to discover exactly what happened and what it means to save someone.
Scottoline is a best-selling writer who has authored 15 novels. Like all of Scottoline's stories, Save Me features an intelligent heroine who learns to rely on her own strength. Scottoline is a two-time graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, with both an undergraduate degree in English and a Juris Doctorate. She will appear at Oconomowoc's Books & Co. April 20 at 7 p.m.