David Orr doesn’t thinkthat better light bulbs or green rooftops will be enough to curb the risingstorm of ecological disaster. An environmental studies professor at Oberlin College, Orr expresses anger in Down to the Wire at politicians and themedia for denying or underplaying global climate change. In a worst-casescenario, he worries that the oceans will rise high enough within a century todrive millions of coastal dwellers inland to storm-racked continents whereagriculture has become too spotty to sustain large populations. Although hesometimes digresses oddly (abolishing the Electoral College will somehow resultin wiser politics?), Orr’s polemic is a forceful reminder that an informedpublic must demand concerted action from politicians and finally reject thenotionpopularized by Wall Street and voodoo economics professorsthatunlimited economic growth is sustainable and desirable.