- I want to be with a woman so badly thatI think about it constantly. The problem is that I'm a "straight"woman who's afraid to cross over. I'm soooo longing to find the woman who willmake me want to. A woman that isn't my married best friend.
- I am an out and happily partnered lesbian whosecretly fantasizes about having sweet and crazy sex with her married maleco-worker. I further confess that part of me is writing this to get itout of my system and part of me hopes that he will see this and come find me inthe supply closet the next time I'm in there.
- One of the reasons I donate blood is that I'm in lovewith one of the phlebotomists. The issues are she's married w/children, andshe's 17 years younger than me. I've alluded how I feel - but not completely -because I'm afraid of what could or would happen if she does discovers how Ireally feel. I don't want to spoil a wonderful friendship but I do wish wecould be more than just friends.
- My friend just had a baby. Every time I see the baby Ithink “thank God my kids were never that ugly.”
- I beg my girlfriend to have sex with another man so that Ican watch.
- I have a close friend that I’ve known for 25 years. Even though I tell her I love her like a sister, I always look for excuses tonot spend time with her.
- You really weren’t as fabulous as I told you. Averageis a much better description.
- I know I said I’d do anything for you, but that’s onlybecause I didn’t really think you’d take me up on it.
- My boss is young, handsome and single. I am a happily marriedwoman about 12 years his senior. I find it difficult to pay attention in ourweekly closed door meetings because I can't help thinking about a particularfantasy. My fantasy is to strip tease for him until he takes me passionately onhis desk. I am going to make the fantasy a reality this week. I will post anupdate soon.
- I wish you wouldn’t drink so much because I feel like I haveto get tipsy too just to have a normal conversation with you. I’m afraid if this carries on I will become analcoholic too.
- I feel like my coworker is favored by our management eventhough I am the one that puts in all the work, overachieves and busts my a**every single day. I am about to lose my mind!
- Over the weekend I was cleaning the house and I found a pairof women’s panties. I confronted my husband in a rage that he was cheating onme until he confessed that they were his and he has been hiding the fact thathe enjoys wearing them under his business suits. I am still not sure how to feel about it.
- I work in the ER and the same man comes in on a regularbasis having tried to kill himself. I have seen him cut his wrists, takebottles of pills, and jump from a moving vehicle. He is still alive and I justwant to scream in his face to give up and accept that he has a purpose to live!
- When you text me late at night and ask if you can “use me”it makes me feel excited and worthless all at the same time. Please just loveme, it will make all of this easier.
- I think I spend more time telling you that I don’t love youjust to convince myself it’s true. I do love you, I just know better than toact on it anymore I’ve come to realize that we stopped actually being friendsyears ago. I will never understand why you traded me in for your “newfriends”…I feel like I made you who you are and I deserve some credit for that.