Dr. Nick Tomaro, Public Health Emergency Response Planning Coordinator for the Milwaukee Health Department and Dr. Heather Paradis, Milwaukee Health Department Medical Director spoke Tuesday about the vaccinations at the Wisconsin Center.
On Tuesday, Milwaukee began COVID-19 vaccinations for Group 1A personnel: health care providers, and residents and those working within long-term care facilities. The city is working to complete the first group of vaccinations as quickly as possible. Following Group 1A, the Milwaukee Health Department will begin vaccinating Group 1B individuals such as police officers, teachers and other essential workers. A staff of approximately 45 were on hand to administer the shots Tuesday.
"In many respects the process is very similar to receiving a flu shot or any other routine vaccination," Dr. Heather Paradis, Milwaukee Health Department Medical Director said. "There is a screening and consent process up front, there is the actual vaccine administration and with the COVID-19 vaccine there is a required observation period after the vaccination of between 15-30 minutes." The Center is not open to the general public at this time.