Photo Credit: Evan Casey
Jeans have been hung from light poles along Wisconsin Ave. in downtown Milwaukee throughout April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
How does a 1999 court case in Italy relate to the pairs of jeans hanging from light poles along Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Milwaukee? The answer is disturbing, yet with a goal in mind. In 1999, the highest court in Italy said that a woman who was raped by her driving instructor consented to the assault because she was wearing tight pants.
Today, across Milwaukee and the globe, Denim Day is bringing attention to victims of sexual assault in an effort to end victim blaming by highlighting this case, and many others that have plagued victims over the years.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and Denim Day asked for citizens across Milwaukee to wear denim to show support for victims of sexual assault. The event was coordinated by the City of Milwaukee and over 20 partner organizations.
Dana Doyle, co-president of the F-Word, a student feminist group at Alverno College, believes ending victim blaming will not be easy. She took part in a Denim Day event at Alverno College Wednesday afternoon.
“We need to support survivors and give them a platform for sharing their stories,” Doyle said. “We need a change of mindset in our society that punishes perpetrators accordingly and realizes the trauma victims face.”
A 2010 Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance report estimated that 1 in 7 Wisconsin womenare raped at some point during their lives. The report, which includes the most recent statistics for sexual assault in Wisconsin, also said “two-thirds of the victims of reported assaults are less than 15 years of age.”
National statistics regarding sexual assault are even more shocking. Every 2 minutes someone is sexually assaulted in the United States. According to, 97 percent of rapists will not spend one night in jail.
However, there is hope for victims of sexual assault right here in Milwaukee. Pathfinders is a Milwaukee based organization that works with troubled youth and those who are victims of sexual assault. They began a counseling program called Hand in Hand for youth sexual abuse survivors from the ages of 6-17. Hand in Hand provides individual, youth and group counseling and is focused on helping victims of abuse find new ways to cope.
“We know that the majority of instances of rape go unreported, so while the number may be increasing, the actual number of assaults is much higher,” said Renee Kirnberger, senior vice president of development and communications at Pathfinders. “Denim Day is our opportunity to reflect on the work we do, day in and day out, to help those who have been victimized to become survivors.”
The City of Milwaukee asks that victims of sexual assault contact Aurora's Sexual Assault Treatment Center. Aurora has a healing center at their Aurora Sinai Medical Center, located at 945 N. 12th St. The City also asks victims to call 911 right away. More information can be found here.