Where do you draw inspiration for your "style" from and what are some keywords to describe it?
I draw my inspiration from various fashion icons and people in general. Everyone admires a distinctive style, and that motivates me to be creative with what I wear in hopes to push a boundary and give people the excitement and inspiration needed to find their own style. In hindsight, my fashion was never as it is now 5 plus years ago. As I matured, I began to find myself more exposed to the fashion world, and I was able to discover a style that reflects me. I would describe my style as slick and modern; refined, yet always evolving.
Do you have any advice for other people, especially males, who aren't sure how to accessorize their ensembles as confidently & flawlessly as yourself?
Well, I think if one cares enough about how they look or what they wear; first, the key is not to be afraid, try to have an open mind and attempt different clothing styles to see what you feel comfortable and natural wearing. If you feel what you wear doesn't portray who you are then maybe you shouldn't wear it. You want to feel comfortable and confident in what you wear. It also helps to learn from others with admirable style in order to discover yours.
Is there a prominent difference in how people in Nigeria dress compared to in Wisconsin (males especially)?
There is no prominent difference in how people dress in Nigeria compared to Wisconsin except the tribal attires worn during special events like traditional marriages and such.
What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe and why?
My favorite piece would be my drivers shoe; otherwise known as loafers. I love this shoe because of its simple but elegant design. It's not a common type of shoe seen on many people and it gives a refined look to my style.