Just a few days before Angry Young Men and their puppets take the stage of the Oriental Theatre for Halloween, 12 Angry Men take the stage of Elm Grove's Sunset Playhouse. And the two shows couldn't possible be more different. A serious courtroom drama bears little resemblance to a zombie puppet show. And as it is being directed by the talented actor/director Matt Daniels, the Sunset Playhouse's production of 12 Angry Men sounds like it could be really well-executed.
At least half a dozen of the men in question are played by actors who have madam memorable appearances elsewhere in the recent past--Michael Chobanoff, Matthew J. Pattten, Randall T. Anderson, Doug Smedbron, Gene Shuldt and Spencer Mather are among those represented onstage here. Twelve men deliberate as to whether a man should live or die. It's a very intense drama which debuted on TV, moved to film and has since been staged numerous times all over the place. The death penalty has fluctuated in popularity since the drama originally aired in 1954. Half a century later, there are still juries making life and death decisions. The play is still very topical today. Sunset Playhouse's production of 12 Angry Men runs October 25th - November 11th. For ticket reservations, call 262-782-4430 or visit Sunset online.