Bite Theatre follows-up its production of Kill The Rich, Kill The Poor with a show that debuted Off-Broadway in ’07. Ken Davenport’s My First Time focuses on first sexual encounters in a string of stories that play out over the course of the program. Davenport based on the popular website which has been a sounding board for countless people to write about their first sexual experiences for quite some time. The original Off-Broadway production claimed considerable attention some time ago when it was announced that admission to the show would be free of charge to virgins. During each performance, the original production featured a story that night culled from a group of audience submissions.
Bite Theatre brings the show to the stage of the Tenth Street Theatre during a particularly busy weekend for openings locally. (The Bite show is one of at least four opening in Milwaukee next week.) The cast featured here includes Bo Johnson, Kelly Doherty, Tim Higgins, Emmitt Morgans, and Shantelle Szyper.
The Bite Theatre production of My First Time runs June 17th through 20th at the Tenth Street Theatre on 628 North 10th Street.