I really have no reason for dropping the ball on this one . . . I had a flyer for this show and failed to notice opening weekend had come and gone. . . .but in my defense, I never got an invitation or a formal press release for the show and only heard about it at odd angles . . .
. . . which is generally the way one would tend to hear about a show like Paper Or Plastic. . . the Quasimondo Theatre group opened a show last weekend. (It's kind of a clever name, but it's already been taken by digital artist Mario Klingemann. If you want to pleasantly waste a lot of time with some fascinating stuff, check out his incubator.)
In any case, Paper or Plastic looks like fun, abstract interpretive stuff. Sure, some of it looks reasonably stupid, but that's the nature of experimentation. You never know what's going to punch a hole through reality just long enough for the eyes to catch something amazingly profound. It can happen when you least expect it. And sometimes it involves wearing a pizza box. And it's precisely the sort of thing I could have really gotten into had I not already been tied into covering a couple of shows this coming weekend. . . sigh . . . such is summer--an opportunity to miss some potentially great fringe theatre . . . it's like when you pass by something on the road that looks impossibly fascinating. You have no idea what it is, but you'd really like to get a better look . . . and by the time you think to . . . it's already several miles away.
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In any case, for those not already engaged, this one looks like fun. The remainder of Quasimondo's Paper or Plastic runs June 21st, 22nd and 23rd at Milwaukee Fortress at 100 A East Pleasant Street. All shows start at 7pm.