<p><img width=\"180\" height=\"270\" border=\"0\" src=\"/imgs/media/Test.Dir/tim.jpg\" alt=\"tim.jpg\" style=\"border-width: 0px; border-style: solid;\" /><img width=\"180\" height=\"277\" border=\"0\" src=\"/imgs/media/Test.Dir/playbill_express.jpg\" alt=\"playbill_express.jpg\" style=\"border-width: 0px; border-style: solid;\" /></p><br /> <p class=\"MsoNormal\">This Thursday, once again Jacob D. Bach and company take the stage of ComedySportz with The a fully improvised American Musical comedy. The musical theatre format is such a rigid formula that it actually doesn\'t take a whole lot to be able to do it entirely improvised and still manage to produce something with the same resonance as . . . as a stage musical by Bono and the Edge. And if it didn\'t work out, then you\'ve only wasted $5 and a couple of hours of your time on a Thursday night.</p> <p class=\"MsoNormal\"><strong><a href=\"http://www.timthemusical.com/\">The Improvised Musical\'s</a> </strong>next outing is Thursday, December 15<sup>th</sup> at 7pm. For ticket reservations, call 414-272-8888. </p> <p> </p>
The Return of the Improvised Musical
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